Does this remind you of something?

Min Me Paratas

This is a performance of a classic Greek song, although I’ve no way of knowing how “old” the song is. And what it reminds me of is the song “Yalla yalla dil le gayi” from film Ujala (Music: Shankar-Jaikisan). Boy, aren’t we one inspired people!

There you go again!

Long long back when the whole world of English music (for the lack of better term) was alien to me, I remember this ad that used to come on Doordarshan with World This Week, on Friday nights. The song in the background caught my fancy. I didn’t know then, that that was a hugely popular song. But it made me curious about English music (no one in my school circle listened to such stuff anyways, and a few of my cousins from bigger cities did listen to it, but I had not really exploited those sources yet).

I used to talk fondly of this ad, whenever the subject of introduction to English music came up in any conversations, and not a single soul remembered this. “What? Monto Carlo Ad? Back then?”

Once again, Youtube came in handy. I just typed “monto carlo ad” in search box, and there it was. The second hit!

Monto Carlo Ad [circa 1989]

I owe a lot to this ad. It opened up a new world for me, literally! I guess I left pop behind long back, but still, that was a very important phase, or step, whatever you call it.

55 Word Fiction: Chotu

Chotu watched the photograph of SSC topper on the front page with a dreamy smile. He forgot all about the three glasses of hot tea. Reality returned with the sound of crashing glass. Then he felt a slap on his cheek.

Madarchaud, daactur banega?” the owner said contemptuously. Chotu braced himself for more beating.


PS: My first foray into 55 word fiction taught me a lot more than I expected. I guess I’ll do this a little more. And my congratulations to all the SSC achievers.

The Tag Thing

I know that long back someone tagged me. I wrote a polite comment on her blog saying I, as a rule don’t engage in this tag thing. I forgot to add that as a rule I break rules. Errr. Yes, that’s a contradiction, but well it serves like a good enough explanation to me. (Come again? Smokescreen? whatever).

Anyways, the point is, the only other member of the only mutual admiration society, Ano, tagged me. As a tangent, can there be a MAS with more than two people? where every two people have mutual admiration for each other? Well, lets leave that to those buggers named linguists to figure out. Currently we’re planning to finish a tag. And what a tag: the thinking blogger award! I know, I know what you’re thinking. If even I got it, it can’t really thinking blogger award. Blame it on mutual admiration societies. But let’s get on with the work. I might not be a thinking blogger, but I know one when I see one. So there goes:

1. Atul : Just look at his categories: Meaning, Theories, Thoughts, Societies, Value, Communication! Atul maintains so many blogs that I cannot say which one you should follow, but go anywhere, and there will be something there worth mulling over. A touch heavy at times, but I cannot think of any other name to start this list!

2. Anumita : She’s inimitable. In a world where everyone and her dog has a blog, I haven’t found anyone who could write about their life and their thoughts so well. Sigh, she doesn’t write often these days, but when she does, it’s always the kind that makes you chuckle.

3. Ubermensch : Well, depending upon his mood he might kill me or just pain me to the extent that I might want to kill myself, for tagging him. But any list that I draw of bloggers (thoughtful, serious, comic, frivolous, angry, calm,… you get the drift), this guy’s gotta figure in it. Sorry mate, you cannot escape this honor.

4: Mukta : I think she can write on any subject. And really write! And she thinks. She has a mind of her own. Thoughts of her own. And it’s pleasure to read her. I rarely even comment on her blogs, because it’s the kind of stuff where I don’t have much to say (that’s saying a lot in itself).

5. AFJ : Another blogger who’s almost stopped blogging, but when she used to blog regularly, there was substance to her writing. From book reviews, films, city-scapes… She has opinion about everything… an opinion worth listening to.

Viola! So what if I’ve picked bloggers who rarely seem to be writing. I rarely seem to be reading blogs anyways. What matters is the quality. Rest all is ephemeral.


This all started : here
Then ano tagged me:, and stole two of my favorite blogging bloggers.

Anyways, do not forget to link back to the origin of meme, all you award winners, if you ever decide to finish the tag that is!

In Defense of Catharsis

A poet friend mentioned
that he’s tired
of catharsis
or moved beyond

I think moving beyond
is a great idea
To reinvent
we must forget
what we know

And yet
pain cuts through …
pleasure puts you
in the seventh heaven,
to borrow more
mundane words

And distress
makes you want to
flirt with the
beaten paths
where someone gets
you want
to say

Where they know
your language,
and you their
and it’s OK
even if you’re
not too happy
at least they know
you’re not

Ya (Gh)ali!

I like one song in Bollywood and it had to be a rip-off.

Ya Ali – Original Ya Ghali in Arabic by Guitara

Plagiarism, inspiration? Sigh!

Please don’t tell me now that even Allah-ke-bande was a rip off!

Meanwhile, Bheja Fry is also supposedly a scene-to-scene copy of Le Diner de Cons (The Dinner Game), a French movie. The much touted resurgent Bollywood is just this?