
I try to seduce the muse,
all the time
And all the time
She eludes me
Like a pristine princess
who thinks I’m not good enough
for her

On a languid, lethargic
Saturday afternoon
As the sun harshly
forces me indoor
I lose touch
with the sweat and the dirt
And pick up the
proverbial notebook
trying to paint
with foreign words
foreign feelings

When the cool evening breeze
calms my inner demons
I walk out, and
see the day labourers
walking back home
with the sweat and the dirt
I avoided, so casually,
along with their words,
and feelings, for which
I’ve no vocabulary

It’s then that I wonder
If the muse
is too pristine,
or am I all tangled up
in an unreal world
that she knows
all to well
will collapse any day now

5 thoughts on “Phantasmagoria

  1. bilbo says:

    It’s then that I wonder
    If the muse
    is too pristine,
    or am I all tangled up
    in an unreal world
    that she knows
    all to well
    will collapse any day now

    awesome lines there and quite a contrast between two lives

    does make me wonder why we believe our own life to be more surreal than some one in a more impoverished circumstance.

  2. Aria says:

    “When the cool evening breeze
    calms my inner demons
    I walk out, and..”

    The image casts a deepening spell .. forcing to delve into issues much deeper than usual ..
    I wondered .. how can one distill the bitter truths of a fractured world and discover the humanity that unites us.

  3. Vivek Sharma says:

    On this Saturday afternoon, I cannot think of a better verse to capture what I feel too.

    Asuph, we are definitely related, or maybe our muses are:)!

    Very powerful, more so for me, as I think it captures exactly what I am up against at this moment.

  4. asuph says:

    biblo: no that wasn’t my point. our lives aren’t surreal, our dreams might be.

    aria: your comment reminds me of a Marathi saint, Dynaneshwar, who wrote a poem called pasaaydaan. (Don’t ask me to translate, maybe I will when I am either overconfident or plain shameless).

    vi: welcome to my blog. thanks.

    vivkeji: i just hope we’re not trying to seduce the same muse ;-). i would hate to have to kill you! serious now, thanks. glad you liked it.

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