Blog Potpourri

Yes, the name says it all. It’s a mix of some interesting blogs that I stumbled upon recently, and thought worth sharing:

I’ll start with Syeda Semim Zahan, whose blog Memoirs of an Assamese Muslim has some really nice monologues like this and this. Syeda writes intelligently and coherently, and makes you think. She’s at her lucid best when she ruminates over questions of identity.

Those who have frequented my blog will know that I consider myself a male-feminist of sorts (if you didn’t you know it now). And I’ll not define what I mean by feminism, because this isn’t the place and time. But a group blog, Ultra Violet is one blog that has a slice of Indian feminism, that I tend to empathize with, if not agree many a times. Dilnavaz Bamboat’s this post got me interested in this blog, and since then the feed is in my google reader. And how can I miss this one?

Although I haven’t followed his blog much otherwise, Neville’s this post took me down the memory-lanes of Indian Advertising.

Another group blog that I have been following lately, off and on, is Indian Muslims. Those who keep complaining that the moderate Muslim voice is not heard enough, should read this excellent group blog. A few sample posts to get a flavor: this, this and this.

And now to repeat the most banal phrase, last but not the least, here I present the final blog of this potpourri. Atul, who has been my default tag bunny, wrote one post which made me really really jealous — because he stole my words. No, I’m not being frivolous! Atul, of course shouldn’t be introduced this way, for his writing is much deeper, and sublime (and his photography even more so), but what the hell. I’ve already introduced him in another blog-potpourri, so I can take liberties here. I’ll not forgive him for stealing my words, but I promised him his blog will go places, and a promise is a promise!

That’s it for this installment of potpourri.

15 thoughts on “Blog Potpourri

  1. Sunil says:

    Firstly I am speaking about surnames.

    I am not refuting anyone. I totally understand both of you and rest of such folks are intensely moved by it. I am saying its not at all a feminist issue. I have explained with reasons why. You on the other hand, believe it is your day to day experience it is a feminist issue. Which is why I have quoted the water problem, which does affect women more substantially in surprise surprise India than changing surnames. Which could be argued too surprise surprise as skewed patriarchal -imbalanced equation. Yes, why don’t men go and fetch water? But that is not important for you folks, because it doesn’t involve your day to day life. Isn’t it?

    As I have said cant help it .

    Go back to my comment, I have never said- don’t say it aloud. Im saying there is some stink of inconsistency here.

    All my examples, myself, family circle were from India, which has been ignored.

    I have told you, such show me 10% men sentiment is what is hilarious. Because having seen it in India I think it is passe.

    Figures were given to settle any issues with the question of circle.

    The lack of understanding is reflected in you final comment. No please I don’t want anyone to shut up. I just want them to know when they sing its not Joan Baez they are singing.

    Here’s something : as we speak millions of dollars are spent by governments, people, individuals with conscience to just embarrass whaling corporations. This has nothing to do with day to day experience. Because feel they all are responsible for a whole of us. There is hardly 20 penny spent by any feminist organisation in anywhere in the world to raise awareness about changing surnames!!

    that’s because , maybe, its mooch. The fishes in the bowl might not.

    Thanks. I was being reasonable, I cant do with sentimental close to heart debates. Thanks.

  2. asuph says:

    Next what? Global warming? Anyways you made your point, I made mine. There is nothing new in the last comment, except for a complaint (addressed below), and it does not address points I have raised.

    Your examples are ignored because it’s anecdotal evidence, and anecdotal evidence from one person has its limitations. That’s why I’m asking you for a fair poll, which you find hilarious (so tell me, if I do that poll in across all multinational offices in India, how many do you think will be ready to take on their wife’s surname? 10%? 20%? 80%?. Just your gut feeling). Maybe you’re born in a very progressive family. Maybe your particular caste/class/linguistic/ethnic group does not have the said problem so prominent.


  3. asuph says:

    > I have told you, such show me 10% men sentiment is what is hilarious. Because having seen it in India I think it is passe.

    There it sums it up nicely (emphasis mine). And if it’s that mooche why are you spending so much of your time over it?

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